摘要:Positive law is less oriented towards the protection of victims,especially women.Restorative justice appears to protect and resolve problems with the interests of the victim–oriented.This article discuss the form of legal protection for victims of violence against women,gender–based and describe the form of restorative justice for victims of gender–based violence against women.Positive criminal law does not accommodate both the interests of the victim to determine the crime against himself and to restore his suffering.This is caused due to the dominance of retributive justice in the settlement mind set crime through the criminal law.The restorative justice allows for an active role in the completion of a crime victim who happens also allows the imposition of sanctions that are beneficial to the recovery of the suffering of the victims.
其他摘要:Hukum positif kurang berorientasi pada perlindungan terhadap korban terutama perempuan.Restorative justice muncul untuk melindungi dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan berorientasi pada kepentingan korban.Artikel ini mengkaji bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi korban kekerasan terhadap perempuan yang berbasis jender dan mendeskripsikan bentuk restorative justice berbasis jender bagi korban kekerasan terhadap perempuan.Penegakan hukum pidana positif tidak mengakomodasi kepentingan korban untuk menentukan penyelesaian kejahatan yang menimpanya maupun untuk memulihkan penderitaanya.Hal tersebut diakibatkan masih dominannya paradigma keadilan retributive dalam penyelesaian kejahatan melalui hukum pidana.Restorative justice memungkinkan peran aktif korban dalam penyelesaian kejahatan dan pemulihan penderitaan korban.
关键词:victims;violence against women;restorative justice