期刊名称:Annals of the University of Craiova: Economic Sciences Series
出版社:Universitaria Craiova
摘要:At the same time with the growth of the economic-social phenomena’s dynamics,the accentuation of the tendency for change in all the domains of activity,a more and more bitter fight for the organizations’ survival and development,in the context of a far more stronger competition on the market,it is quite obvious the fact the results achieved are conditioned directly by the quantity,quality and opportunity of the available information,given by the mean of communication.The enhanced complexity of the managerial processes,the emergence and use of modern and improved means of communication and decision make the information technology to be an indispensable instrument for management,because the manager must be "informed excellently " as Robert Heller said.Since communication is the base for the achievement of the management’s coordination function and,implicitly,of the entire management process,it can be affirmed that one of the "keys" for the efficiency in management is exactly the accomplishment of an adequate communication at all hierarchical levels.
关键词:communication;communication process;organizational communication;obstacles in communication;feedback