期刊名称:Ido Movement for Culture: Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology
出版社:Idokan Poland Association in Rzeszów
摘要:The authors of the study present original output of Polish scientists who formulate a system atic humanist theory from the perspective of sciences on man,culture and society.Theoretical,philosophical and socio–cultural analysis of the phenomenon of martial arts has been developed here since the 1970s.Began by Stanisław Tokarski more than 30 years ago philosophical and socio–cultural analysis of the phenomenon of martial arts is continued by individual Polish scientists and their teams.Present humanist and cultural dimensions of the ways of martial arts are studied and ex?plained in many aspects by Wojciech Jan Cynarski along with a group of international scientists gathered around Scientific Year’s Issue "Idō–Movement for Culture” in Rzeszów.The wander?ing of Far Eastern traditions,cultural dialogue and various humanist dimensions are studied in a multiaspect way by Cynarski and his school.Cynarski put forward a humanist systematic theory of martial arts developed on the example of Japanese budō.The team from Rzeszów and abroad develops this concept building more general theory of martial arts and ways.The theoretical base here is the output of humanist sociology and Polish sociology of physi?cal culture,integral anthropology and holistic pedagogy.Multidiscipline character and the effort of systematic research are worth to be appreciated and the results–both general–theoretical and detailed–are worth being popularized,especially that they are little known outside Poland.
其他摘要:Osmanlõ Devleti,Almanya ile –a õrlõklõ olarak– askeri ve ula õm (telgraf,telefon,demiryolu) alanlarõnda ortaya koydu u birlikteli i Abdülhamit II döneminde ba lattõ.ngiltere ve Fransaya kar õ Almanlarõn tercih edilmesindeki nedenler çok net olarak anla õlmamakla beraber;Enver Pa anõn liderli ini yürüttü ü ttihat–Terakki yönetimi,mevcut birlikteli e sava ortaklõ õnõ da ilave etti.1912 yõlõndan itibaren Alman askeri uzmanlar Osmanlõ Devleti tarafõndan davet edilerek;ordunun e itimi ve Çanakkale Bo azõ sahil tahkimatõnõn yapõlmasõnda büyük katkõda bulundular. Pe inden bazõ üst düzey Alman komutanlar,ordu komutanlõ õ,mü avirlik gibi son derece stratejik konumlu askeri birimlerin yönetilmesi için davet edildi.Çanakkalede kara harekâtõ ba lamadan bir ay önce orada kurulmak üzere olan 5 nci Ordunun ba õna Liman von Sanders getirildi.Bunu bazõ kolordu ve tümen komutanlõklarõna getirilen Alman subaylar izledi.Çanakkale Sava õ sürecinde mayõn hattõ dö eme,sahil savunma hizmetleri,lojistik ve sa lõk hizmetleri gibi pek çok kritik noktada Alman görevli ve uzmanlar hizmet verdiler.Bu hizmet ve birliktelik sava sonuna kadar devam etti.
关键词:culture sciences;anthropology;theory of martial arts;Movement for Culture
其他关键词:nauki o kulturze;antropologia;teoria sztuk walki;Ruch dla Kultury