期刊名称:Ido Movement for Culture: Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology
出版社:Idokan Poland Association in Rzeszów
摘要:It is a review article of the book Der friedliche Krieger.Budo als Methode der Gewaltprävention (U.Neumann,M.von Saldem,R.Pöhler,Peter Wendt eds.) presenting an original proposal of using the Asian way of thinking and philosophy in the field of vidence prevention.
其他摘要:In this article,during the period of development and the period of crisis of thewelfare states which are modern formns of state,the labour markels have beenstudied.The labour markets have been inspected from the standpoint of generallevel of employment,public sector employnent,women employmend,unemployment,level of wages and social benefits,elc. In the period of development,the interventionist characteristic of ihe stale hascontinuously increased,and the stales have succeeded to realize their aims toraise their citizens'welfare.In this period,while the structure of 1raditionalfamilies was changing,the level of taxes and publie expendinures was raising,andsocial security measures were evolving in the malter of quality and quantily,thegeneral employment and women employmenl in the labour markets has increased,the unemployment has no more been a problem,the general level of wages hasincreased,the wage gap between skilled and unskilled labour has narrowed,andpowerful labour unions have emerged. Unfortunately,together with globalization and beginning of crisis of welfarestates,the changes,which can be seen almost in all areas,has also rfecedinevitably to labour markets.On the contrary,in the period of crisis of welfarestate,chronicle unemployment has emerged,labour insecurity and non –standartworking types have increased,wage inequalities have become widespread,labourforce has become older,and labour unions have begun 10 loose their power..