摘要:IPCLN (Infection Prevention and Control Link Nurse) as executor of the PPI program at the hospital is expected to be ”opinion leaders” to motivate all employees and visitors in terms of infection control.This study aims to analyze the influence of training,work motivation and supervision both partially and simultaneously to IPCLN performance.This study was an explanatory study with cross sectional survey method at March 2015 in RSUD dr.Iskak Tulungagung.Respondents are whole IPCLN as many as 35 people.Data collection techniques using a questionnaire with Likert scale (1–5) and interviews.Descriptive data analysis and hypothesis testing were done through multiple linear regression.The result were training variables (X1) with Beta coefficient = 0.362 and sig.= 0.07;work motivation (X2) with Beta coefficient = 0.190 and sig.= 0.126;supervision variable (X3) with Beta coefficient = 0.483 and sig.= 0.001;R2 = 0,753 and value adjusted R square = 0.526.The result were the training relates quite strong and significant effect on the performance of IPCLN,motivation IPCLN no significant effect on performance,supervision is strongly correlated with a significant effect on the performance of IPCLN.Training,motivation,and supervision related to strong and significant effect on the performance of IPCLN simultaneously.IPCLN performance can be explained by 52.6% of the variable training,motivation and supervision simultaneously,and supervision of the dominant influence.
其他摘要:IPCLN (Infection Prevention Control and Link Nurse) sebagai pelaksana program
PPI di rumah sakit diharapkan menjadi ”opinion leader” untuk memotivasi seluruh karyawan
dan pengunjung dalam hal kontrol infeksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh
faktor pelatihan, motivasi kerja dan supervisi baik secara parsial dan simultan terhadap kinerja
IPCLN. Penelitian ini merupakan explanatory research memakai metode survey dengan
pendekatan cross sectional selama bulan Maret 2015 di RSUD dr. Iskak Tulungagung.
Responden adalah seluruh IPCLN sebanyak 35 orang. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan
kuisioner dengan skala Likert (1–5) dan wawancara. Analisis data secara deskriptif dan uji
hipotesis dengan regresi linear berganda. Hasilnya variabel pelatihan (X1) dengan koefisien
Beta = 0,362 dan sig.= 0,07; variabel motivasi kerja (X2) dengan koefisien Beta = 0,190 dan sig.
= 0,126; variabel supervisi (X3) dengan koefisien Beta=0,483 dan sig.=0,001; nilai R2=0,753 dan
nilai adjust R square = 0,526. Temuan penelitian adalah pelatihan berhubungan cukup kuat
serta berpengaruh signifikan, motivasi kerja IPCLN tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadapkinerjanya, supervisi berhubungan kuat serta berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja IPCLN. Pelatihan, motivasi kerja,
dan supervisi berhubungan kuat dan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja IPCLN secara simultan. Kinerja IPCLN
dapat dijelaskan sebesar 52,6% dari variabel pelatihan, motivasi kerja dan supervisi secara simultan, dan supervisi yang
berpengaruh dominan.