摘要:The second–phase developmental research was intended to produce a model,namely the KPRI’s strategic performance management (SPM) model.The effectiveness of model was verified through field testing based on pre–test/post–test without control group design in workshop forum.The sample was taken by using a purposive technique including sample of KPRIs and personnel samples of KPRI.Data were analyzed by using paired–samples t test and one–sample t test.The result showed that the field testing of model in workshop forum:(1) contributed positively to KPRIs personnels attitude;(2) affected in increasing KPRIs personnels knowledge of the model principles;and (3) was effective in both its process and product.Following up the field testing of model in workshop forum,the further researches based on operational field testing are very important to conduct.In operational field testing,the effectiveness of model will be verified through daily activities of KPRI.
其他摘要:Penelitian pengembangan tahap kedua ini bertujuan menghasilkan sebuah model Manajemen Kinerja
Strategis (MKS) KPRI. Model diuji keefektifannya melalui field testing berbasis pre-test/post-test without
control group design dalam forum workshop. Sampel diambil secara purposif mencakup sampel KPRI dan
sampel insan KPRI. Data dianalisis menggunakan paired-samples t test dan one-sample t test. Hasil analisis
data menunjukkan bahwa field testing model dalam forum workshop: (1) memberikan kontribusi positif pada
sikap insan KPRI; (2) memberikan efek bagi peningkatan pengetahuan insan KPRI mengenai prinsip-prinsip
model MKS KPRI; dan (3) efektif baik dari segi proses maupun produknya. Penelitian-penelitian lanjutan
berbasis operational field testing sangat penting dilakukan untuk menindaklanjuti field testing berbasis workshop. Dalam operational field testing, keefektifan model diuji melalui aktivitas-aktivitas sehari-hari KPRI.
关键词:field testing of model;experimental design;the public employee cooperative (KPRI)