期刊名称:Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin
摘要:In the article,the authors presented the conception of station for detection,location and analysis of ground and soil contamination.The mobile station of detecting and spatial analysis of ground contamination integrates apparatus applied in remote sensing and geophysical measuring.The remote sensing part of the station is based on hyperspectral remote sensing system which uses differential measurement of reflection coefficients of polluted and non–polluted surfaces.The geophysics part of the station involves two noninvasive methods:the radar and electro resistivity tomography (measurements of EM waves propagation in ground–water environment).These methods are complementary to each other.The integration of methods applied in two branches of science gives the entirely new possibilities of superficial ground contamination researches in connection with the depth of the contamination and its influence on underground structures such as:underground waters,water–bearing (aquiferous) layers,transmission or industrial installations.The interdisciplinary character of proposed method allows,through complex utilization of remote sensing and geophysics methods,to obtain a spatial and dynamic model of the contaminated terrain.
其他摘要:Досліджується стан економічної злочинності в Україні на основі SWOT– та PESTEL–аналізів при визначенні її як загрози економічній безпеці України,а також використання цих аналітичних методик для визначення шляхів протидії економічній злочинності та руйнування кримінальної інфраструктури органом,уповноваженим здійснювати протидію таким проявам..