摘要:Favourable geographical position of the Klaipėda Seaport and its breakwaters can draw atten- tion in the future as a suitable site for a wave energy converter in Lithuania.Firstly,it is the most northern ice-free port in the eastern Baltic Sea.And,secondly,prevailing western winds and long fetches are yielding here one of the highest waves in the Baltic Sea.Available multi-year (1970–2010) visual wave height observations at Klaipėda coastal hydrometeorological station were used as an initial data which allowed determining multi-year monthly average wave heights and average seasonal wave heights of the design years.Using these wave heights as offshore conditions in the numerical wind-wave model MIKE 21 NSW enabled to assess temporal distribu- tion of the theoretical wave power potential alongside the Klaipėda Seaport breakwaters,taking into consideration different wave propagation directions.It was found that during the autumn- winter season the theoretical wave power potential can be several times higher than in the spring-summer season and that the loss of wave power flux is the least when waves are propa- gating from the southwest direction alongside the southern breakwater of the Klaipėda Seaport.