摘要:The purpose of the study is to consider the factors on the formation of the musical competence,expecially genetics and environment that the children have been exposed after birth. As it would be a limited contribution to the development of competence that the environment provided to individual with limited musical competence,the musical environment is not provided to individual with a high level of musical competence,can cause loss of this competence in the length of time. Therefore,this two consept could not disconnected. This study has been illustrated with examples and literatures the effects of genetical and environmental factors.
其他摘要:Müzikal yeteneğin oluĢumda etkili olan faktörleri incelemeyi amaçlayan bu çalıĢmada,bireyin doğuĢtan getirdiği genetik faktörler ile doğum sonrasında maruz kaldığı ortam üzerinde durulmuĢtur. DoğuĢtan getirdiği müzikal yeteneği sınırlı düzeyde olan bireye