摘要:In this paper we propose a multi-criteria model based on the fuzzy preferences approach which can be implemented in the prenegotiation phase to evaluate the negotiations packages. The applicability of some multi-criteria ranking methods were discussed for building a scoring function for negotiation packages. The first one is Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) technique which determines the sum of the partial satisfactions from each negotiation issue and aggregate them using the issue weights. The other one is Distance Based Methods (DBM),with its extension based on the distances to ideal or anti-ideal package,i.e. the TOPSIS procedure. In our approach the negotiator’s preferences over the issues are represented by fuzzy membership functions and next a selected multi-criteria decision making method is adopted to determine the global rating of each package. The membership functions are used here as the equivalents of utility functions spread over the negotiation issues,which let us compare different type of data. One of the key advantages of the approach proposed is its usefulness for building a general scoring function in the ill-structured negotiation problem,namely the situation in which the problem itself as well as the negotiators preferences cannot be precisely defined,the available information is uncertain,subjective and vague. Secondly,all proposed variants of scoring functions produce consistent rankings,even though the new packages are added (or removed) and do not result in rank reversal.