摘要:Manusa,the fabric woven in Arapgir near Malatya had an important place as once the cotton industries. As a result of the industrial revolution this weaving declining due to the economic and social developments. It was no longer. The number of samples is limited present. These fabrics must be perpetuated not been applied today.Therefore,the study,it not made in the area now but examples of existing Manusa weaving which forms the basis of today's industry jacquard is aimed by examing to revitalize with new applications.Screening method was used in the study of Manusa fabrics woven in the town Arapgir of Malatya. Six pieces of fabric and jacquard hand looms which can be reached is documented by examining. It also made literature,carried out motifs and technical analyzes,it is weaved one of the motifs with the resulting drawing.
其他摘要:Bir zamanlar pamuklu sanayi kolu olarak Malatya yakınındaki Arapgir’de dokunan Manusa dokumaları önemli bir yere sahipti. Sanayi devrimi sonucu ekonomik ve sosyal gelişmeler nedeniyle gerileyen bu dokuma günümüzde ise artık yok olmuş,örnek sayıları ise sı