摘要:Not only do female characters play a part in almost all Turkish epics but they also shine out compared to male characters in some others. These women have girded themselves with a sword,a shield and armour as well as leading their people and armies. These characters are called as 'Alp Women’. A thousand years after these epics, together with the invasion of Anatolia,women have actively participated in all purviews from organizing resist ance to fighting on the front. Kara Fatma,Şerife Bacı,Nezahat Onbaşı are one of those names which come to the fore. The Alp Women,told by epics in an age when oral tradition prevailed,are now shown by paintings in the age of visual illustrations. Within the scope of this study,female figures in the paintings of the War of Independence have been investigated in terms of Alp Women traits and similarities of both have been revealed.
其他摘要:Türk destanlarının hemen hemen tamamında kadın karakterler yer aldığı gibi bazılarında da erkek karakterlerden dahi ön planda olmuştur. Bu kadınlar,zırh giymiş,kılıç kuşanmış halkına ve ordusuna önderlik etmiştir. Bu karakterler "Alp Kadın” olarak adlandı
关键词:Turkish Epics;Alp Woman;Paintings of the War of Inde pendence.
其他关键词:Türk Destanları;Alp Kadın;Kurtuluş Savaşı Resimleri