出版社:Montenegrin Sports Academy and Faculty for Sport and Physical Education
摘要:In the modern life, especially in the urban areas, people have less conditions for physical activities and motion in general. Postural deformities, which may also transform in permanent deformities, occur most commonly in children. As a result of reduced motion, different somatic and psychical conditions may also be seen in the adults. Researches show that work with children in the nursery schools and schools, especially when the physical activities are involved, has a great impact on the overall children’s growth. First understanding of motion and exercise children gains from their teachers in the nursery schools. Teachers are persons who instantly could, and should observe eventual deviation from the normal, whether it is an irregular body posture or any other defect. Play and playing is a strong resource for directing the regular growth, so the teachers in the cooperation with the medical workers may successfully solve a big part of a problem while the children are still small.
其他摘要:U savremenim uslovima života, posebno u urbanim sredinama ljudi imaju manje uslova za fizičke aktivnosti i kretanje uopšte. To dovodi do promjena u odnosu na ranije norme življenja i dovodi do kvalitativnih i kvantitavnih promjena u cjelokupnom čovjekovom