出版社:Montenegrin Sports Academy and Faculty for Sport and Physical Education
摘要:Position of a circular attacker (pivot man, player in the line, etc.) is most specific and probably most difficult. Play of a circular attacker regarding present defensive formations according to this year’s World Championship in Germany Is based upon searching and making of space in very active defensive formations with the player’s task to provide situation of scoring of some of his co-players using different blockades etc., or doing it himself. Pivot man is not only a player of power acting as a rampart, but also a multi-tasking sports athlete or a gymnastics universal player. In this work we emphasized elements of ground floor gymnastics involved in tracing process of Handball club Novi Pazar players with na accent of individual work with pivot man.
其他摘要:Sam pojam "akrobatika“ ne objašnjava u dovoljnoj meri sve one pozitivne osobine koje se putem njene primene razvijaju ili transformišu kod sportista. To sunajčeš6emotoričkesposobnosti:(snaga,brzina,gipkost,koordinacija,ravno- teža, preciznost kao i izdržl