摘要:The purpose of the article is to present the results of the research and to substantiate and experimentally verify the model of management regarding the prospective economists’ communication competence formation (namely marketing specialists in Ukrainian universities). The essence of the concept «communication competence of a marketing specialist» is clarified and its structure is developed. The model of management of the communication competence formation which is based on the activity-based, personality-oriented as well as communicative approaches includes methodology and goal,content and method,process and result blocks which are theoretically and practically grounded. The result of its implementation is reflexive-creative and basic levels of communication competence of future marketing specialists. The psychological and pedagogical conditions such as motivation within the process of communication competence formation,a reflexive approach in the process of analyzing professional communication and dialogical communication that activates subject-subject relationships in course of education are defined and substantiated. The method of forming communication competence among prospective marketing specialists includes motivation and content,activity and reflection,assessment and correction stages that are developed and implemented in the educational process at Ukrainian universities.
关键词:management;communication competence;psychological and pedagogical conditions;model of management of communication competence formation.