摘要:The research of Allied Air Forces'air raids on Hungary during World War 2 has come to a turning point.Hungarian historians have been content with roughly documenting the events;the thorough research of the background together with the motives for the attacks are yet to be explored. In my study I examined the Mediterranean Allied Air Force's practice of photographic reconnaissance,intelligence and photographic interpretation,using the related documents and files. The Intelligence files of the Mediterranean Allied Air Force are major sources of the history of Allied air raids on Hungary in World War 2,and I pointed out that the complete research of the data on the subject by examining every piece of document available would lead to a more accurate understanding of the events. In addition to emphasizing the importance of the vast amont of data and documents on the subject, my intention was to provide reference to further research.
关键词:World War 2;Airwar;Air Raids;Intelligence;Photographic Reconnaissance;Hungary;Budapest;Hungarian targets;Mediterranean Allied Air Force;Mediterranean Allied Photographic Reconnaissance Wing;Photograhic Interpretation;Bomb Damage