摘要:The paper presents a theoretic model for improving the manufacturing proces that was developed and tested in small-scale production enterprises.The model also represents a new organizational model which enables a complete implementation of pull strategy,insufficiently used in Serbia up to now,with a stress on sustainable manufacturing process, remanufacturing process and environmental protection.The model also includes the guidelines to SMEs - how to use energy,materials and water rationally during the process of manufacturing new products.Development of new products in SMEs on the territory of the Republic of Serbia is burdened by numerous problems among which the most influential ones are:financial flow,poor market estimation,lack of knowledge,lack of ISO 9001 certificate and weak organizational structure.On the bases of the data research we have identified the following problems in small enterprises:individual knowledge,distribution and realization of work tasks,increase of operational expenses caused by bad distribution of work tasks,exceptionally poor communication with consumers.
其他摘要:U radu je prikazan teoretski model za poboljšanje procesa proizvodnje koji je razvijen i testiran u malim proizvodnim preduzećima. Takođe,model predstavlja nov organizacioni model koji omogućava potpunu primenu pull strategije koje nije dovoljno zastupljena u Srbiji,a sa osvrtom na održivi proces proizvodnje proces ponovne proizvodnje,i sve zastupljeniji aspekt zaštite životne sredine.U modelu su dete smernice o tome kako da SMEs racionalno troše energiju,materijale,vodu i enrgiju u procesu proizvodnje novog proizvoda.Razvoj novih proizvoda u SMEs na teritoriji Republike Srbije prate mnogi problemi,a među najuticajnijim su:finansijski tokovi,loša procena tržišta,znanje nedostatak ISO 9001 sertifikata i slaba organizaciona struktura.Na osnovu podataka iz istraživanja,identifikovani su sledeći problemi u malim preduzećima:znanja pojedinaca,distribucija i realizacija poslovnih zadataka,porast operativnih troškova zbog loše podele poslova,izrazito loše komunikacije sa potrošačima.