摘要:To understand the behavior of consumers visiting a website and to segment the clientele,this study takes a look at the consumers’ rational and non-rational values.The results of the empirical and quantitative study are based on a sample of 2.214 consumers who visit the transactional website of a tourism organization.Three segments were identified using cluster analysis.The first segment,corresponding to one third of the respondents,is made up of intensive users.They surf the web on a daily basis,not only to find information but also to purchase products and services.The values associated with their use of the Internet are utilitarian,but also hedonic.For transactional site managers,although these consumers are already customers,they represent the principal target group for marketing strategies.This segment has the highest confidence in the security of the transactional website.The second segment (22.5% of the sample) is made up of moderate users.Spending less time per week on the Internet than intensive users,they share almost the same values.The third segment (43.1% of the sample) is made up of travel planners.They spend almost as much time on the Internet as the moderate consumers,but are mainly looking for information.They use the Internet mostly for planning trips.Managerial recommendations highlight the importance of keeping the website constantly up to date,regularly adding news about events and packages,in order to maintain the interest of intensive users.What travel planners find important is the credibility of the information,and simplicity in the site’s information organization and functionalities.
关键词:To understand the behavior of consumers visiting a website and to segment the clientele,this study takes a look at the consumers’ rational and non-rational values.The results of the empirical and quantitative study are based on a sample of 2.214 consumers who visit the transactional website of a tourism organization.Three segments were identified using cluster analysis.The first segment,corresponding to one third of the respondents,is made up of intensive users.They surf the web on a daily basis,not only to find information but also to purchase products and services.The values associated with their use of the Internet are utilitarian,but also hedonic.For transactional site managers,although these consumers are already customers,they represent the principal target group for marketing strategies.This segment has the highest confidence in the security of the transactional website.The second segment (22.5% of the sample) is made up of moderate users.Spending less time per week on the Internet than intensive users,they share almost the same values.The third segment (43.1% of the sample) is made up of travel planners.They spend almost as much time on the Internet as the moderate consumers,but are mainly looking for information.They use the Internet mostly for planning trips.Managerial recommendations highlight the importance of keeping the website constantly up to date,regularly adding news about events and packages,in order to maintain the interest of intensive users.What travel planners find important is the credibility of the information,and simplicity in the site’s information organization and functionalities.