摘要:U radu je data komparativna analiza važnijih pokazatelja svetskog i domaćeg tržišta alkoholnih pića.Naime,za poslednjih 21 godinu,po posmatranim podperiodima,metodom komparativne analize izučene su kvantitativne istrukturne razlike u proizvodnji i prometu analizirane grupe proizvoda,kako na nivou sveta tako i na nivou kontinenata i pojedinih zemalja.Definisanisu vodeći proizvođači,odnosno tokovi međunarodnog prometa ivodeći izvoznici i uvoznicivina,piva i destilovanih alkoholnih pića,s posebnim osvrtom na mesto i značaj Srbije,odnosno njenu poziciju na svetskom tržištu svih ovih proizvoda.Shodno prethodnom i značaju analizirane grupe proizvoda za domaće tržište,odnosno agroindustriju i privredu u celini,u radu su pojedinačno izučeni bilansi,struktura,dinamika i regionalna usmerenost domaće spoljnotrgovinske razmene vina,piva i destilovanih alkoholnih pića.Osim toga,ukazano je i na potrebe,odnosno mogućnosti,mere i pravce daljeg razvoja domaće proizvodnje i izvoza predmetnih proizvoda.
其他摘要:This paper presents a comparative analysis of the major indicators of both the world and domestic markets of alcoholic beverages.Namely,for the last 21 years,for the observed subperiods,the method of comparative analysis were used to study quantitative and structural differences in the production and trade of analyzed product groups,at both the world and at the level of continents and some countries.The leading manufacturers and flows of international trade and the leading exporters and importers of wine,beer and distilled alcoholic beverages were defined,with special emphasis on the importance of Serbia,i.e.its position in the global market for all these products.Pursuant to the above,and importance of analyzed product groups for the domestic market,i.e.agroindustry and the economy as a whole,this paper specially studies balances,structure,dynamics and regional orientation of foreign trade exchange in wine,beer,and distilled alcoholic beverages.In addition,the paper points to the needs,capabilities,measures and directions of further development of domestic production and export of products analyzed.
关键词:U radu je data komparativna analiza važnijih pokazatelja svetskog i domaćeg tržišta alkoholnih pića.Naime,za poslednjih 21 godinu,po posmatranim podperiodima,metodom komparativne analize izučene su kvantitativne istrukturne razlike u proizvodnji i prometu analizirane grupe proizvoda,kako na nivou sveta tako i na nivou kontinenata i pojedinih zemalja.Definisanisu vodeći proizvođači,odnosno tokovi međunarodnog prometa ivodeći izvoznici i uvoznicivina,piva i destilovanih alkoholnih pića,s posebnim osvrtom na mesto i značaj Srbije,odnosno njenu poziciju na svetskom tržištu svih ovih proizvoda.Shodno prethodnom i značaju analizirane grupe proizvoda za domaće tržište,odnosno agroindustriju i privredu u celini,u radu su pojedinačno izučeni bilansi,struktura,dinamika i regionalna usmerenost domaće spoljnotrgovinske razmene vina,piva i destilovanih alkoholnih pića.Osim toga,ukazano je i na potrebe,odnosno mogućnosti,mere i pravce daljeg razvoja domaće proizvodnje i izvoza predmetnih proizvoda.
其他关键词:This paper presents a comparative analysis of the major indicators of both the world and domestic markets of alcoholic beverages.Namely,for the last 21 years,for the observed subperiods,the method of comparative analysis were used to study quantitative and structural differences in the production and trade of analyzed product groups,at both the world and at the level of continents and some countries.The leading manufacturers and flows of international trade and the leading exporters and importers of wine,beer and distilled alcoholic beverages were defined,with special emphasis on the importance of Serbia,i.e.its position in the global market for all these products.Pursuant to the above,and importance of analyzed product groups for the domestic market,i.e.agroindustry and the economy as a whole,this paper specially studies balances,structure,dynamics and regional orientation of foreign trade exchange in wine,beer,and distilled alcoholic beverages.In addition,the paper points to the needs,capabilities,measures and directions of further development of domestic production and export of products analyzed.