摘要:U radu su prikazanistrategijski aspekti marketinga filma kroz analizu savremene međunarodne teorije i prakse.U analizi pomenutih pitanja se polazi od bazičnih principa marketinga filma i razvoja filmskog proizvoda.Primena principa marketinga u filmskoj industriji u savremenim uslovima poslovanja je samo preduslov,ali ne i garant uspeha.Sa aspekta marketing menadžmenta evidentno je da se uspeh mora osigurati strateškim pristupom,koji je obrađen u radu.S obzirom na to da će rezultati marketing aktivnosti najviše zavisiti od strategija marketing miksa,novi pristup marketing miksu u oblasti filma je jedan od fokusa rada.U posebnom poglavlju su analizirani elementi miksa,uz uvažavnje uticaja tehnologije na marketing filma.
其他摘要:This paper represents the strategic aspects of the film marketing through an analysis of contemporary international theory and practice.The analysis is based on the basic principles of the film marketing and film product development.Application of marketing principles in the film industry under the new business conditions is only a prerequisite,but no more a guarantee of success.From the point of view of marketing managers,success must be ensured by the strategic approach,which is addressed in the paper.Given that the most successful marketing activities depend on the marketing mix strategies,a novel approach to film marketing mix was one of the main focuses of the paper.Attention of a separate chapter is focused on film marketing mix,taking into account technology impact on film marketing.
关键词:U radu su prikazanistrategijski aspekti marketinga filma kroz analizu savremene međunarodne teorije i prakse.U analizi pomenutih pitanja se polazi od bazičnih principa marketinga filma i razvoja filmskog proizvoda.Primena principa marketinga u filmskoj industriji u savremenim uslovima poslovanja je samo preduslov,ali ne i garant uspeha.Sa aspekta marketing menadžmenta evidentno je da se uspeh mora osigurati strateškim pristupom,koji je obrađen u radu.S obzirom na to da će rezultati marketing aktivnosti najviše zavisiti od strategija marketing miksa,novi pristup marketing miksu u oblasti filma je jedan od fokusa rada.U posebnom poglavlju su analizirani elementi miksa,uz uvažavnje uticaja tehnologije na marketing filma.
其他关键词:This paper represents the strategic aspects of the film marketing through an analysis of contemporary international theory and practice.The analysis is based on the basic principles of the film marketing and film product development.Application of marketing principles in the film industry under the new business conditions is only a prerequisite,but no more a guarantee of success.From the point of view of marketing managers,success must be ensured by the strategic approach,which is addressed in the paper.Given that the most successful marketing activities depend on the marketing mix strategies,a novel approach to film marketing mix was one of the main focuses of the paper.Attention of a separate chapter is focused on film marketing mix,taking into account technology impact on film marketing.