摘要:Područje istraživanja odnosi se na teorijske,praktične i metodološke aspekte ocenjivanja tržišnog potencijala.Prezentovanisu osnovni faktorivažni za ocenjivanje tržišnog potencijala.Realno i kvalitetno ocenjivanje tržišnog potencijala i predviđanje prodaje u preduzećima postaje ne samo sredstvo za sticanje konkurentske prednosti,nego i neophodan uslov dugoročnog razvoja i opstanka na tržištu.U tu svrhu analiziranisu teorijski,metodološki i praktični problemi ocenjivanja tržišnog potencijala.Potreba za tim je sve više izražena,jer objektivno,pouzdano ivalidno ocenjivanje tržišnog potencijala pretpostavka je unapređenja poslovanja i dugoročnog razvoja preduzeća.Cilj rada je da objasni karakteristike tržišnog potencijala kao jedne od osnovih tržišnih veličina kako bise moglo izvršiti njegovo ocenjivanje.U tom kontekstu,identifikovanisu osnovni faktori koji utiču na ocenjivanje tržišnog potencijala.Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja su pokazali da faktori makro i mikro okruženja preduzeća,konkurencija i kupovna moć potrošača determinišu tržišni potencijal jestivog ulja u Bosni i Hercegovini.U empirijskom delu rada su primenjene najzastupljenije metode ocenjivanja tržišnog potencijala.
其他摘要:The area of research in this paper refers to the theoretical,practical and methodological aspects of the assessment of market potential.It presents the main factors relevant to assessing market potential.The process of evaluating the market potential is important,first of all,for optimal adoption of future strategic decisions in business.Planning of business processes is one of the main reasons for the assessment of the market potential and managers often face,when planning,the environmental factors that can not be influenced.Realistic and quality assessment of market potential and sales forecasting in companies becomes not only a means of gaining competitive advantage,but also a necessary condition for long-term development and survival in the market.Knowledge of the potential market increases the efficiency of business operations.To this end,the theoretical,methodological and practical problems of assessment of market potential were analyzed.The need for this is all the more pronounced because of objective,reliable and valid assessment of the market potential is a prerequisite of business improvement and long-term development of enterprises.The aim was to explain the characteristics of the market potential as one of the primary market sizes in order to carry out its assessment.In this context,it was necessary to identify the main factors influencing the assessment of market potential.Results of the study showed that factors of macro and micro environment of the company,competition and purchasing power determine the market potential of edible oil in Bosnia and Herzegovina.In the empirical part of the paper are applied most common methods of assessment of market potential.
关键词:Područje istraživanja odnosi se na teorijske,praktične i metodološke aspekte ocenjivanja tržišnog potencijala.Prezentovanisu osnovni faktorivažni za ocenjivanje tržišnog potencijala.Realno i kvalitetno ocenjivanje tržišnog potencijala i predviđanje prodaje u preduzećima postaje ne samo sredstvo za sticanje konkurentske prednosti,nego i neophodan uslov dugoročnog razvoja i opstanka na tržištu.U tu svrhu analiziranisu teorijski,metodološki i praktični problemi ocenjivanja tržišnog potencijala.Potreba za tim je sve više izražena,jer objektivno,pouzdano ivalidno ocenjivanje tržišnog potencijala pretpostavka je unapređenja poslovanja i dugoročnog razvoja preduzeća.Cilj rada je da objasni karakteristike tržišnog potencijala kao jedne od osnovih tržišnih veličina kako bise moglo izvršiti njegovo ocenjivanje.U tom kontekstu,identifikovanisu osnovni faktori koji utiču na ocenjivanje tržišnog potencijala.Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja su pokazali da faktori makro i mikro okruženja preduzeća,konkurencija i kupovna moć potrošača determinišu tržišni potencijal jestivog ulja u Bosni i Hercegovini.U empirijskom delu rada su primenjene najzastupljenije metode ocenjivanja tržišnog potencijala.
其他关键词:The area of research in this paper refers to the theoretical,practical and methodological aspects of the assessment of market potential.It presents the main factors relevant to assessing market potential.The process of evaluating the market potential is important,first of all,for optimal adoption of future strategic decisions in business.Planning of business processes is one of the main reasons for the assessment of the market potential and managers often face,when planning,the environmental factors that can not be influenced.Realistic and quality assessment of market potential and sales forecasting in companies becomes not only a means of gaining competitive advantage,but also a necessary condition for long-term development and survival in the market.Knowledge of the potential market increases the efficiency of business operations.To this end,the theoretical,methodological and practical problems of assessment of market potential were analyzed.The need for this is all the more pronounced because of objective,reliable and valid assessment of the market potential is a prerequisite of business improvement and long-term development of enterprises.The aim was to explain the characteristics of the market potential as one of the primary market sizes in order to carry out its assessment.In this context,it was necessary to identify the main factors influencing the assessment of market potential.Results of the study showed that factors of macro and micro environment of the company,competition and purchasing power determine the market potential of edible oil in Bosnia and Herzegovina.In the empirical part of the paper are applied most common methods of assessment of market potential.