出版社:Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences, Ko拧ice
摘要:In general,we anticipate that experience and training make tutor more competent in helping and outcomes of his/her work will be better than those of less experienced tutor.However this affirmation does not always match the reality.Several authors have reported that the level of experience and amount of training has a weak effect or modest at best on psychotherapy outcome (Christensen,Jacobson,1994;Beutler,1997;Blow,Sprenkle,2007).Some studies suggest that there is little correlation between therapist's level of experience or amount of training on psychotherapy outcome.For example Smith and Glass (1977) examined whether years of experience correlated with the effectiveness of psychotherapy.They found almost no correlation between years of experience and the effect size (r = - 0.01).Longer experience,more professional training and better professional skills did not have any significant impact on the working alliance rated by patients using Working Alliance Inventory.Moreover,experience and amount of professional training correlated negatively with the working alliance,which means that patients rated the working alliance lower when therapists had more experience and training (Hersoug et al.,2001).