摘要:Global economic crisis is one of the most significant environmental changes influencing all managerial functions – including entrepreneurs and organization.In this paper,we study how entrepreneurs used organization to deal with the security and sustainability issues stemming from the global economic crisis.Crisis forced managers to undertake various organizational changes that led to a sharp reduction in the number of employees and thus flat organizational structure are the trend among structures.Organization is focused more on designing.One of the newest and fastest growing business trends is the creation of networks and clusters.We conducted research on a sample of 115 foreign and domestic companies running their business in Slovak Republic.We were interested in the perception of lean management,project management and strategic alliances creation during the crisis and in nowadays.We provided an analysis of changes in span of management and managerial level reduction.To analyse the companies,we used descriptive and inductive statistical methods on the lowest possible significance level.Based on our research we found that the optimization of the organizational structure can be the way for helping business companies to overcome economic insecurity in the times of the crisis.