摘要:This study was designed in order to fin d a suitable method of measurement and evaluate the effects of different cold and compression applications.A sphgmomanometer was used to measure compression (Cτyo-cυff and elastic bandage).A digital thermometer wa s used to measu re skin temperature follo wing cold applications (ice,cold pac k,Cτy o-cuff a nd Icefeel cool bandage).Four testers have applied the same compression ban dag e technique on 10 occasions on the same subject,an d no statistical ly significan t d ifferences were found.This has reve aled tha t the sphygmoman ometric technique is adequ ate fo r the measu rem ent of compression.Nevertheless,compression bandag e applications o th ef five tester s hav e show n statistically significan t differenc es in term s of pressure.The above mentioned fou r cold application methods were fou nd to he different ly effecting skin tem peratures,but unde r the light o f presen t literature the y may be clinically effective enough.In sum mary,me asurement techniques were foun d to be ade quate and fur ther clinical stu dies are neces sar y to evaluate de eper tissu e temperatures.