摘要:To investigate the individual and combined effects of cycle-pha se related elevations in estradiol levels and dietary vitamin E supplem entation on exercise-induced muscle damage,eighteen sed entary women,age d 19-35 years,were supplemented with 300 mg (a-tocopherol (n=10) or placebo (n=8) daily,during the course of two menstrual cycles.Sub jects performed an exhaustive isokinetic exercise o f the knee during the menstrual an d preovulatory ph as es of their cycles.Asp artate tra nsa minase (AST),creatine kin ase (CK) and lactate deh ydr oge nase (LDH) enzyme activities were measu red in the blood samples tak en before and after the exercise protocol to evaluate muscle damage.The activities of the se en zymes increased significantly (p<0.001) follo wing the exh austiv e exercise.Neither vitam in E sup plemen tation nor cycle-phase related estradiol changes influenced AST,CK and LDH enzym e activity levels following the exercise.In the light of t hese obser vations,we sug gest that vitamin E supplem entatio n,in the dosage used in this study,an d/or cycle-phase related changes in estradiol levels do not influence muscle dam age produc ts during th e acute phas e of the exercise performed in this stu dy.