摘要:The research aims are to know: 1) the influence of learning creativity towards study independence;2) the influence of study motivation towards study independence,3) the influence of learning creativity and study motivation towards study independence simultaneously.The research method used is descriptive quantitative.The population is all of students of UMS in 2010/11 period around 190,sample is 123 by using simple random sampling technique.Data collecting used is questionnaire that was tested and fulfilled validity and reliability requirement.Analysis data used doubled linier regression Y = 10,163 + 0,452X1 + 0,349X2,based on analysis and discussion about students of UMS in 2010 period can be concluded that: 1) learning creativity has positive influence towards study independence,with significance value 0,000<0,05.(2) study motivation has positive influence towards study independence,with significance value 0,000<0,05.(3) learning creativity and study motivation towards study independence simultaneously have positive influence towards study independence,with significance value 0,000<0,05.(4) The contribution of R2 is 0.376,it means 37,6% students study independence was influenced by learning creativity and study motivation variables,the rest is 62,4% was influenced by other factors that did not follow in this research.