摘要:Excellent stability of plasticity and high strength are acquired in Ti55531 alloy micropillars via introducing a high density of deformable nanoscale α phase into a β matrix. The yield strength of the pillars is as high as 2.26 GPa irrespective of pillar sizes ranging from 6 to 0.3 μm, which is high enough to activate dislocation slip both in ductile α precipitates and the β matrix. The harmony slip model was proposed to interpret slip transmission between the nanoscale α phase and the divided β matrix, and both α and β accommodate their individual plasticity during compression. This results in an excellent combination of high strength and stable plasticity in Ti55531 alloy micron-to submicron pillars. The results highlight the novel strengthening and toughening mechanisms of nanostructured alloys and a specific type of microstructure that exhibits stable plasticity for nano/microdevices.