摘要:What do you bring to a conversation about diversity, equity, and inclusion? While acknowledging this conversation is important, many science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) faculty shy away from engaging these topics. STEM educators often hesitate to participate in these discussions due to their self-perceived lack of knowledge or training. However, as institutions welcome ever-diversifying student populations, STEM faculty must consider how their teaching and mentoring approaches affect their students. During the 2018 American Physiological Society (APS) Institute for Teaching and Learning, STEM faculty and administrators engaged in conversations to better understand how their own approaches to diversity, equity, and inclusion affect the success of their students. During my plenary workshop, “Inclusive Practices for Diverse Student Populations,” participants investigated their own perspectives and practices. They also discussed approaches to implementing inclusive practices that complement active pedagogical best practices. In an attempt to replicate this workshop environment, I ask you to engage with an interactive set of exercises to investigate your own perspective on the topics of diversity, inclusion, and equity. After you consider your own approaches to these topics, I provide practical examples of inclusive practices that align or enhance active leaning pedagogy. By building confidence, providing support, and promoting various pathways to success, inclusive practices enhance student learning and decrease social disparities in STEM education, ultimately supporting STEM innovation.
关键词:best practices in teaching STEM; diversity; equity; inclusion