摘要:Atmospheric circulation is one of the factors that greatly explain the variability of rainfall in an area. The objective on this study is to model the daily rainfall in the region of Thessaly-Greece, based on the prevailing upper-air synoptic circulation types of the atmosphere. The rainfall data used are daily records of rainfall measurements encountered at the meteorological station of Larissa for the period 1958-2015. Rainfall episodes of the examined period were classified into ten (10) upper-air synoptic circulation types, based on a subjective synoptic classification scheme. The relationships, between and among, these upper-air synoptic circulation types and the associated rainfalls are studied and their characteristics are presented. The main upper-air synoptic circulation types, which are quite favorable to rainfall activities at the examined meteorological station of Larissa, appeared to be: the open Long Wave trough (L-1), the closed Long Wave trough (L-2), the Cut-Off Low (L-3) and the South-West flow (SW). From the analyses of the rainfall measurements of the aforementioned upper-air synoptic circulation types is concluded that the best fitted and the most appropriate distribution models are: the Gamma, Generalized Pareto, Weibull and Generalized Pareto, respectively. It is proven that these models describe the rainfall characteristics in the examined area very adequately.
关键词:rainfall distribution model; synoptic circulation types; extreme value distributions;Thessaly-Greece.