摘要:The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility and validity of the Application of Cognitive;unction Scale as developed by Lidz and Jepsen (1997). Data were collected from 4 to 5-ycars-old hildren. The analysis for item adequacy indicated that the passing rate increases according to age.;uthermore the analysis for test adequacy indicated that internal consistency reliability was .85 in the irc-tcst and .80 of post-test in terms of the cognitive function scale,and .90 of pre-test and .93 in the lost-test in relation to the behavior observation scale. In conclusion,our analysis of the ACFS shows ufficicntly high scores in terms of both validity and reliability,so as to indicate that this test is an ippropriate way to measure the cognitive function and non-intellective function of young Korean hildren.
关键词:Application of Cognitive Function Scale; ACFS; validation; the adequacy of the items; the adequacy of the test