摘要:The present study investigated atitudes of preschool teachers toward children's bullying behaviors and relationships between teachers' self-efficacy and atudes toward children's bullying behaviors. The participants were 176 preschool and daycare center teachers. The results indicated that teachers perceived physical bullying more seriously than verbal or relational bullying. Teachers reported that they would intervene more intensively for children who have been targeted than for bullying children in physical and relational bullying situations. Teachers with high self efcacy were more likely to perceive physical and relational bullying seriously than were teachers with low self-efficacy..
关键词:preschoolers` bullying;teacher self-efficacy;teachers` attitudes toward bullying;teacher intervention for bullying
其他关键词:유아들의 또래 괴롭힘;교사 효능감;교사의 또래 괴롭힘에 대한 인식;교사의 또래 괴롭힘에 대한 개입