摘要:This study explored gender dfferences in social status,accptancejection,perceived popularity, social emotions,avoidance and anxiety by participant roles in bullying situations. Subjects were 215 6th grade children. Instruments were the Participant Roles (Sutton & Smith,199),Peer Nomnination (Coie & Dodge,1983 illessen & Mayeux,2004),Social Avoidance and Social Anxiety (Franke & Hymel, 1984) scales. Resuts showed that more boys than girls were in pro-bullying participant role groups;more girls than boys were in outsider groups. Boy pro-bullies were high in social rejection. Boy defenders were high in popularity and low in social avoidance. Boy outsiders had high social anxiety. Girl victims had low social status,low social acceptance and lowest perceived popularity;they were high in social avoidance and social rejection.
关键词:participant roles in bullying situations;social acceptance;social rejection;perceived popularity;social avoidancc/anxiety