摘要:Participants in this study on preschool children's ability to delay graification were 132 4- to 5 year-old children and their mothers from 6 daycare centers. Mothers completed questionnaires reporing their parenting style,their chil's ability to delay graification,and child's temperament. Children participated in the real and hypothetical sttings of the delay of gratification experiment. Data was analyzed by t-test, F-test,correlation and discrimination analysis. Results were that (1) 43% of preschoolers passed the delay of gratification experiment. (2) Older children were more able to delay gratification than younger children. (3) Children's rewards choices in the real setting correlated with their rewards choices in the hypothetical situation of delay of gaification. (4) Children's ability to delay gratification was influenced by their motor itelligence.
关键词:ability to delay gratification;temperament;motor intelligence;parenting;hypothetical setting of delay of gratification