摘要:This study explored mediating effects of the preschooler's emotional itelligence between matemal parenting behaviors and exclusion by peers. Subjects were 138 4- to 5-year-old preschoolers(92 boys, 46 girls) and their mothers. Exclusion by peers was measured by the Child Behavior Scale(Ladd & Profilet,1996),matermal parenting behaviors were measured by the Parenting Questionnaire(Park,1999), and preschooler's emotional itelligence was measured by the Emotional Itelligence QuestionnaireLee, 1998). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and muliple regression analysis. Results showed that preschooler's emotional self awareness mediated the effects of both maternal sensitive behaviors and matemal hostile/refusal behaviors on preschooler's exclusion by peers.
关键词:exclusion by peers;parenting behaviors;emotional intelligence