摘要:This study explored relaionships among temperament,mutiple inelligences and play characteristics of preschool children. Participants were 150 mothers of preschool children and 10 preschool teachers in Seoul. They responded to questionnaires;data were analyzed by correlation and multiple-regression major results showed there were positive correlations between emotionality sub-areas of children's temperament and play and between mutiple itelligences and play as follows : (1) Cognitive play was predicted by linguistic itelligence and response of temperament,(2) Language play was predicted by interpersonal itelligence and physiology -regulation of temperament,(3) Social play was predicted by interpersonal itelligence and response of temperament,(4) Emotional play was predicted by logical- mathematical itelligence and emotions of temperament,and (5) Movement play was predicted by logical- mathematical itelligence.