摘要:The purpose of this study was to develop a theoretical model from which to test the influence of family background and work experience on the level of rural high school students` (N=381) occupational aspirations. In the basic model,mother`s occupation directly influenced occupational aspirations. Father`s education influenced occupational aspirations directly and also indirectly through students` academic achievement. The number of working hours per week had a direct and negative influence on academic achievement. In a different path,working hours had an indirect positive influence on academic achievement through parents` different treatment which especially focused on the fact that parents gave students more freedom compared to the relationship they shared before the students began to work. Enjoying school,studying homework,and extra reading were influenced by students` number of working hours. Two variables,extra reading and job characteristics,predict the social acceptance work attitudes which are a direct predictor of occupational aspirations. Academic achievement had a greater total effect on the level of occupational aspirations than any other variables..