摘要:The subjects of this study were 4th to 6th grade children and instruments were the Teenage Inventory of Social Skills,the Internal-External Control Scale,the Self-Esteem Scale,and the Peer Relations Questionnaire. In the concurrent study,children lower in social skills and in self-esteem and external in locus of control reported more bullying and victimization. Children higher in social skills and in self-esteem and internal in locus of control reported more prosocial behavior. In the prospective study,children lower in social skills were more involved in bullying and victimization. Children higher in social skills reported more prosocial behavior. The effects of locus of control and self-esteem on peer relations diminished over time. However,social skills had a significant influence on bullying,victimization and prosocial behavior up to two years later. Children lower in psychosocial development were more vulnerable to peer victimization.
关键词:psychosocial development bully-ing/victimization prosocial behavior