摘要:Legal process on disputes settlement which involved children in Indonesia is distressed,as it put children in detention since on investigation process until on trial process. Putting children in detention should be taken as a final effort as well as in a short period of time as it stated clearly on article 37 CRC. After living from detention,children suffer from stigmatisation which given by the society. So that, alternative disputes settlement which involve children can be done by diversion. In fact,diversion has not been regulated in Indonesian law.
其他摘要:Proses formal dalam penyelesaian perkara anak yang berlangsung hingga saat ini berawal dari penyidikan hingga persidangan cukup memprihatinkan,karena anak ditahan mulai dari tingkat penyidikan dan berakhir dengan penjatuhan pidana penjara oleh hakim. Pena