摘要:In principle,the institution is still relevant pretrial maintained and do not need to be replaced with the judge commissioner. It’s just the rules of pretrial in the Criminal Code needs to be refined. There are two important things that need to be revised so that should not be a dilemma in practice. The first is about the verdict fall. According to Article 82 paragraph (1) letter d Criminal Code,if the case has not been checked pretrial,pretrial fall if the case should be decided principally already checked. True,that on the legitimacy of the arrest or detentionwhich was filed pretrial can be examined together with the examination of the subject matter, so it does not matter if only pretrial disqualified because the subject matter has begun to be examined. However,it would mubazirnya judicial institution established by law,if only by reason of the subject matter already checked then pretrial shall be disqualified.
其他摘要:Pada prinsipnya lembaga Praperadilan masih relevan dipertahankan dan tidak perlu diganti dengan hakim komisaris. Hanya saja aturan-aturan tentang Praperadilan di dalam KUHAP perlu disempurnakan. Ada dua hal penting yang perlu direvisi supaya jangan menjad
关键词:pretrial agency;legal protection;rights of suspects