摘要:Foundation as one of the legal entity in Indonesia has existed before the enactment of Law Foundation Number 16 of 2001,on August 06 2001. The problems arising out of the enforcement of Law Foundation is the prohibition of salary to the foundation trustee as stated in Article 5 of Law Foundation and the imposition of sanctions for violations are set out in article 70 of Law Foundation. This journal uses empirical research methods to see the law in reality and examine the law in society. But the reality is the implementation is not yet fully achieved because there is no controlled of foundations from the outside. Especially with the provisions of Article 6 of Law Foundation,which provides opportunities for foundations trustee to get benefit,rather than as salary,but in the form of reimbursement of expenses that have been incurred so if it can be interpreted as a deviation to the article 5. The aim of this journal is to provide an overview of the implications of the existing regulations with the application in reality,especially foundations as providers of educational institutions so that it can be concluded that the prohibition prohibition against the granting of salary are basically not meet the elements of justice when viewed from the theory of justice and the rule of law,and contrary to the 1945 Constitution which has guaranteed the right of every citizen to obtain a job and obtain reasonable compensation on the job.
其他摘要:Yayasan sebagai salah satu bentuk badan hukum di Indonesia telah didirikan sebelum diberlakukannya Undang-undang Yayasan Nomor 16 Tahun 2001 pada tanggal 06 Agustus 2001.Salah satu permasalahan yang timbul terhadap pemberlakuan Undang-undang Yayasan adala
关键词:prohibition of salary;payment;honorarium;foundation