摘要:The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument for adolescent`s image about their father. The preliminary survey was performed for 318 adolescents in Seoul. It was a free-writing style survey for adolescent`s image,feeling,and thoughts about their father. The main survey which included 121 contents were performed for 400 students in Seoul and finally 75 contents were selected by the results of factor analysis and contents validation. The contents were categorized into 10 sub-variables based on previous studies. 10 sub-variables are Father of mature character,Father who do love me,Father who is devoted to his parents,Father as a friend,Father as a counsellor,Father who is very domestic,Father who is exhausted with work,Father who is hard to be familiar for me,Father with financial competence,Father responsible for supporting the family. This study showed construct validity and concurrent evidence because the correlation among the sub-variables and total score were high.