摘要:To examine relationships between leaming related social skills(LRSS) and literacy development a sample of 167 children aged 5-6 years were selected from 3 preschools in Seoul. Instruments for measuring LRSS were the cooperation,assertion,and self-control scales of the Social Skills Rating System (Gresham & Eliot,1990) and the mastery behaviors scales of the Child Bchavior Rating Scale (Bronson,et al. 1990). Literacy development was measured by the Concepts about Print(Woon,199), the Leaming Readiness Scale(Korean Educational Development Institution 1998),and the Writing Development Scale(Lee,1997). Teachers rated children's LRSS. Data were analyzed by mean,standard deviation,t-test,bivariate correlation,and regression analysis. LRSS correlated with children's literacy development. Mastery behaviors were the best predictor of literacy development..
关键词:Learning-related social skills; Literacy development; social skills