摘要:Even though social intervention in child abuse has begun in Korean society,there are many problemsin terms of basic principles of child welfare services. Focusing on the principle of family preservationin child welfare services,this comparative study reviewed services for abused children and their familiesin the USA and Sweden. Results indicated directions for effective services for abused children arecomprehensive and should be provided by community resources. Comprehensive services and fllow-upof reported cases should be managed by public agencies and community networks. Education curriculafor professionals and inter diciplinary cllaoraion should be organized. A most important task in thefuture is to set up firm laws and policies for effective services in Korean society.
关键词:CPS;Child Protective Services;family preservation;basic and comprehensive services;ongoing risk assessment and support;specialized and collaborative services
其他关键词:아동보호서비스;가족보존;기본적이고 다양한 서비스;지속적인 사정 및 지원;서비스의 전문성 및 연계성