摘要:This study investigated intergenerational transmission from mother's attachment representation toinfant's attachment pattern and the associations between matemal attachment representation and theirchildhood experiences. Subjects were forty 12- to 15-month-old infants and their mothers. The AdultAttachment Interview (Main & Goldwyn,1984) was used to assess mother' 's attachment representation.The Strange Situation (Ainsworth,1978)was used to classify infant's attachment relationship. Motherswere cassifid- as autonomous (F),dismissing (Ds),preoccupied (E),or unresolved/disorganized (Ud).Infants were cassified as secure (B),insecure-avoidant (A),insecure-resistant (C),or insecure-disrganized(D). Exact A/B/C/D and Ds/F/E/Ud agreement was observed in 30 of 40 dyads(75%). Matemal childhoodexperiences were related to maternai attachment representation.
关键词:infant attachment;maternal attachment;internal working model;childhood experience