期刊名称:Lentera Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
出版社:Lembaga Pendidikan dan Tenaga Kependidikan (Center for Teacher Training) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar in collaboration with Lecturer Consortium of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
摘要:The purpose of this research is to know the alpha brain wave conditioning on learning apperception,to know the description of learning motivation of biology of students,and to know the effect of alpha brain wave conditioning on learning apperception on learning motivation of students of science class XI IPA MAN 3 Makassar. This research was Pre Experimental Design. The population of this research was all students of class XI IPA MAN 3 Makassar academic year 2015/2016,consisting of 4 classes with 105 students. Determination of sample using purposive sampling technique that allows to set sample of two classes,that was class XI IPA 1 as control class and class XI IPA 2 as experiment class. The research instrument used was observation sheet of alpha brain wave alpha and student motivation scale of Likert model. Data analysis techniques used weredescriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results of research and data analysis related to the the implementation of alpha brain wave convergence on the apperception of student learning in the experimental class was 100% based on the observer observation. Biology motivation description of students of experimental class was categorized very high by 83.36% and high category of 13.63%. While the motivation to learn Biology control class students consisted of very high category of 52.00%,high 32.00%,and low category 16.00%. Overall showed that the motivation to learn Biology of experiment class students was higher than control class. The result of hypothesis test by using t test of two independent samples obtained value -2.06> t '> 2.06,where t' = 3.45. Tehrefore,it can be concluded that there was an influence of alpha brain wave conditioning on learning apperception to learning motivation Biology students.