摘要:The paper attempts to assess the disparities in the development of the labour market in particular districts of Lithuania between 2004 and 2014. The study presented in the paper consists of two stages. The first one analyzes the situation of the labour market in the districts of Lithuania between 2004 and 2014. Using the synthetic indicator of the labour market,the Lithuanian districts are ranked and the development of the labour market in these districts is compared over the period considered. In the sec-ond stage,Ward's non-linear sorting method is used to divide the districts into homogeneous according to the situation in the labour market. In the years 2004-2004,there was an increase in interregional dif-ferences in the development of the labour market in the districts of Lithuania. The best situation during the period under review was noted in Vilniaus,Kauno,and Klaipėdos districts. The author uses data of the Lithuanian Department of Statistics.
其他摘要:W opracowaniu podjęto próbę oceny zróżnicowania rozwoju rynku pracy w poszczególnych okręgach Litwy w latach 2004-2014. Prezentowane w artykule badanie składa się z dwóch etapów. Na pierwszym z nich dokonano analizy sytuacji na rynku pracy okręgów Litwy w