摘要:One of the challenges facing rural policy is focused on the readiness problem because the village government as the manager / implementer of policy Village Allocation Fund ( ADD ) it will have an enormous stake in the success or even the cause of the failure of policies which are mapped to the village . So that the village government should have the resources and knowledge sufficient to implement allocation policy that will determine the sustainability of rural services to the community . The purpose of this study to describe and analyze the Fund Allocation Policy Implementation in Rural Villages and Countryside Jembul Sumengko Jatirejo Mojokerto district . The study used qualitative methods . This study uses a model developed by Merilee S. Grindle . This model departs from the basic idea is that after the policy is transformed,made policy implementation . Its success is determined by the degree of implementability of the policy, concerning the content and context of implementation. The contents of a policy include : Position policymakers; interests are affected by the policy;Who implemented the program;degree of desired change;Type the benefits generated,and resources are deployed . The contents of a policy that is synchronized with the real conditions that exist in the village where the study authors concluded that the implementation of policies in the rural allocation apparatus and operational activities of the village administration in the Village and the Village Sumengko Jembul Jatirejo district can not achieve as expected . The age factor and human factors affecting the performance of the Government Apparatus Village Whereas in community development activities in the village Jembul not correspond to the expected goals . This is because the allocation of village funds are too small . The village head village prioritize the use of funds allocated to community development is more urgent and has a positive impact on the community looks . It can be concluded that the increase of personnel resources and the increase in the number of Village Government Village Allocation Fund size is the key to the success of the implementation of the Village Fund Allocation Policy..
其他摘要:Salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi dari kebijakan yang tertuju pada desa adalah problem kesiapan dikarenakan pemerintah desa selaku pengelola/pelaksana dari kebijakan Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) ini akan memiliki andil yang sangat besar dalam menyukseskan ata
关键词:Village Governance;Implementation;Policy;Rural Fund Allocation
其他关键词:Pemerintahan Desa;Implementasi;Kebijakan;Alokasi Dana Desa