摘要:The article reviews research on bullying in the workplace. First, we present the most important conclusionsof the 30-years long discussion concerning the definitional criteria of bullying. We describe the empiricallydocumented negative behaviors that are classified as bullying. We review research findings concerningprevalence of bullying, its organizational, social and individual antecedents, and its outcomes (both for thetarget and for the organization). The article contains references to the authors' surveys results which agreewith other findings in this domain.
其他摘要:Celem artykulu jest prezentacja danych empirycznych na temat mobbingu w miejscu pracy. Na wstepiezaprezentowano najwazniejsze konkluzje wynikajace Z trwajacych od ponad 30 lat rozwazan na temat kry-teri6w definiujacych zjawisko mobbingu w miejscu pracy. N