摘要:The aim of this paper was to verify the relation between psychological meaning of money and Machiavellianism.According to recent research, money bolsters self-focus and focus on own goals, motivates to keep resourcesthat are inevitable to reach those goals, and changes the perception of social world from community modeto market-pricing mode, and these phenomena are in turn related to Machiavellianism. However, previousstudies in this area examined only the correlations between money attitudes and Machiavellianism. Theseresults have been replicated in the first study presented in this paper: Machiavellianism was related to thebelief in the symbolic nature of money, but not to the instrumental focus on money management. Second studyshowed that the money primes results in higher scores on the MACH-IV scale when compared to controlcondition, and this effect is stronger among participants who attribute emotional connotations to money.
其他摘要:Celem prezentowanej pracy byto zweryfikowanie relacji miedzy psychologicznym znaczeniem pieniedzyi makiawelizmem. Zgodnie z wynikami dotychczasowych badan pieniadze wzmagaja koncentracje na sobiei wlasnych celach, sklaniaja do zatrzymywania zasobow istotn