摘要:Psychophysiological experimental methods are getting more and more popular in all Þelds of psychology. They Þnd applications especially in projects concerning information acquisition and processing in social cognition. The article presents a contemporary understanding of visual attention processes and well estab- lish ed behavioral methods of investigating research problems concerning them, as well as presents the potential of psychophysiological methods in this Þeld. The paper focuses on eye gaze acquisition methods as most appropriate for visual attention research. Basing on the newest literature, the authors present advantages and limitations of those methods. We also propose a new method that allows for reconstruction of dynamical patterns of visual attention with a combination of behavioral and psychophysiological measures.
其他摘要:Metody psychofizjologiczne zyskuja coraz wieksza popularmosc we wszystkich dziedzinach psychologiijako wartosciowe uzupetnienie tradycyjnych metod badania procesow przetwarzania informacji. W artykulezaprezentowano wspolczesne rozumienie procesow uwagi wz